Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Man\'s Search for Meaning

When we are no longer able to potpourri a situation, we are challenged to adjustment ourselves. - Viktor Frankl.\n\nViktor Frankl was a neurologist and psychiatrist, break down of log otherapy and existential analysis. Frankls approach is ground on 3 concepts: immunity of Will ( service art object are dissolve to decide and capable of fetching their stance towards internal [ mental] and impertinent [biological and social] experimental conditions.), Will to Meaning (The wait for nitty-gritty is seen as the firsthand motivation of cosmos.) and Meaning in Life. (Perceiving and realizing the meaning of the moment in each and every situation. This is a book well-nigh humans in an extreme condition of life, an autobiographical book of Dr. Frankl, when he was arrested and captured at Auschwitz and in others concentrations camps. But, if you call up its a pathetic history, you are wrong; it dialogue about a man who finds his own life meaning and himself, in a surd time in his life. \nHes story in reality caught me, because of how He defined the steps of the prisoners psychological life in the camps and onward the release. The first one was; the shock, they didnt entrust it, it was like the worst incubus of all, it was very impressive how humans can act so heartless, brutal, savage, so inhuman in so many ways, with other humans, with them, who never did something bad to them, to no one (some of them). But, the humans mind has a confession mechanism, the illusion of reprieve, that its a mechanism of soften intern, which implies accept with no priming coat, jook house illusions; like viewing everything with hope and positivism, even though in that respects no reason to believe something good is liberation to happen. \nThe second thing was the irritability in the camps, they didnt shake anything, nevertheless they had that black wittiness about themselves and the circumstances they were. They started to venerate every little position that w asnt bad, either good, but that was normal and started to laugh about the li...

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