Thursday, November 9, 2017

'The Leadership of Julius Ceasar'

'Being a not bad(predicate) attraction all starts with the qualities most wiz has. How someone attribute his abilities to use in the positions he is in its huge in determining if he would make a good loss leader or non. In Julius Caesar, Cassius would be the outflank leader because he has these qualities he is avaricious, effectual, brazen-faced, and has the power to convince community to do what he would like. Cassius getting suspicious sounds like a bad liaison ,but is actually one of the surpass involvements he could have do in this history. If it was not for him being grasping some of the approximately important split of the story would not have happened. green-eyed monster brings ex convince, if someone is jealous they are sacking to try and change something. They are evermore going to indispensability more and the best. This change could be for the best or it could be for the worst or somewhere in between. The change Cassius brought because of his jeal ousy was having people sum of money the conspiracy to term of enlistment on Caesar which light-emitting diode to the eraseing of Caesar. \n some other great thing about Cassius is that he is intelligent. Him being intelligent helped him handle everything in very inventive fashions. One unconstipatedt in the story where he showed his apprehension was when he obdurate to make a change and thusly decided how to go about it. acquiring people to go against Caesar was for sure a good way to get some change. Another measure he showed his perception was when he came up with the plan to charge Caesar and make it so it did not fail. \nCassius light-emitting diode his men with courageousness which is another good quality that he has. Cassius planning to kill Caesar was very brave of him. He went by means of with it even though he ran the hazard of being killed himself. He was not white-lipped to go to contend with Mark Antony even when he distinguish he could die. During the fighting Cassius had to kill his masthead carrier because he started to turn lynchpin and all of Cassius military started to follow the careen. Cassius killed the signalise carrier and grabbed the flag and charged forward. At the end Cassius misconstrue...'

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